It disturbs me to watch parents either stand by and watch their kids be corrupted by other people, and doing nothing about it, or actually encourage those other people to take charge of their children because they are too busy or too much of a 'friend.' I can't mention any particular subject in this blog, because I'M JUST THE GRANDMA. If my fears do not have merit, then I guess I will just wait to see what happens.
'Back in the day' I was a latch-key child, because my parents both worked outside the home. It wasn't a big deal to walk home, locate the 'hidden' house key, and walk into an empty house. I was a good kid and never caused or got into any trouble. That's the truth. I left my own children in the care of women who did not work, and whom I trusted. My children also had responsible grandparents, aunts, and uncles who made sure they were cared for in a well-balanced way.
I wonder now how many children are latch-key children. Some still have to walk home from school. That is scary. Do you know how many bogeymen are hiding in the bushes? Most, if not all, are left to their own devices, whether it be entertaining themselves (oh, those electronic devices...such good sitters), doing homework, or doing 'chores.' Those chores are supposedly to help mom and dad, but you know any kid who really thinks like that?
Because they have that all-important key to the house, they can pretty much come and go as they want, BECAUSE they also have a cell phone...those miraculous pieces of technology that you can take with you anywhere. Leave the house...take the phone and the key.
If the parent decides to take a peek at the children to see if they are home where they are supposed to be...uh oh. I would still like to think that any children I know are safe at home after school (unless they have after-school activities) ... that they lock the door and don't answer the phone. (Bogeymen call, you know). Of course, I've had my head in the sand for years, so it may well be that those children are running the streets, going into strangers' homes to visit friends (with or without permission from the parent(s)), and/or causing all kinds of trouble. Ask their parent...they know exactly where there children are. Right. And...I'M JUST THE GRANDMA.
Until next time..."To bring up a child in the way he should go, travel that way yourself once in a while." -- Josh Billings