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Thursday, October 6, 2011

An Apple A Day

So, Mr. Jobs.  Being mindful of the fact that you had a serious technological mind, I'm afraid I might be one of the few dinosaurs that did not avail themselves of anything you created.  That's not to say that I don't 'know' how to use certain electronic devices, but they were never part of my day-to-day existence, as they were with so many others.  I'm sorry for your family, indeed.

This time of year takes me back to the 'old' days, when apple-eating was a certain thing in the fall of the year.  It seemed as though they tasted better back then too.  Probably not so many chemicals were applied, and LOOK...I'm still kickin'!  Mom and apple pie.  Yes, she did make a mean pie.  I still love apple pie, and when I can afford to buy them (at almost $1.50/pound), I will make myself one.  So, do you like yours a la mode or not?  Either way is fine, but the pie has to be warm out of the oven.  Thankfully, too, I still like to just eat an apple, and I'm blessed to still have all of my own teeth, so this is a fairly easy task.  Whew!  I feel for you denture-wearers!

Unfortunately, the crisp fall days of my youth do not exist in the climate in which I make my home.  I just turned on the air conditioner because the temps are climbing this mid morning.  If I recall, when walking to the bus stop at the end of Wire Street, my breath would appear as I trudged the half block HA!  I always had some kind of ratty jacket to folks were still of the mindset that you only needed one coat and two pair of shoes each year.  Even though it was my siblings that grew up in the WWII days, my folks were still 'tight as bark on a tree.'  Oh well...I survived, and pretty much still only have one coat and two pair of shoes.

Those of you who make your way to my blog will undoubtedly think you have passed through a time warp of some kind.  Yes, I do have a lot of fond memories of when I was young.  These are what keep me entertained today.  Sorry if they seem boring or just plain stupid.  You had to have been there.

Until next time..."when in doubt...don't."  

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